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Dermatologist Warn Selfie Causes Wrinkles
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Dermatologist Warn Selfie Causes Wrinkles

Dermatologist Warn Selfie Causes Wrinkles

Dermatologist Warn Selfie Causes Wrinkles . With the publicity of social media another thing that is much popular today is selfie .Selfie is actually a picture someone click of his own . When women click their selfie they uploaded it on social media and get thousand of likes . It increase their followers and popularity on social media .

Dermatologist Warn Selfie Causes Wrinkles

Because for clicking selfie mobile is used .According to dermatologist  . The blue light and electromagnetic  radiations that hit your face.They causes damage to your face . Because of these radiations skin loosen  and wrinkle appears on face .


In a conference in London Linea skin clinic doctor Simon Zikae said . There are no products launch in market that save your skin from  radiations . Products available in market does not save your skin from rays . Womens that taking selfies regularly should ponder upon the fact that selfie is dangerous .It causes damage to skin . Doctor Zikae also said : Because selfie is a new hobby so its negative effects are also in early stage . In 2013 selfie word is declared as the word of the year .

After that new application  related to selfie are introduce in market . E.g selfie stick and many more . In this way it is easy for people taking selfies .But risk of skin damage and wrinkles  increases .

Another dermatologist said : the angle of your face in front of mobile is more effected and wrinkled . Another popular dermatologist Dr . Zain Obagi said these rays are not stop by son blocks .But Antioxidant products save you from negative effect of these rays . Dermatologist said that these rays also effect your DNA . And the natural process of repairment of skin damaged .Skin of face loosen and in young age you look old with wrinkled face . No cream help to remove these wrinkles . But Skrub is somewhat effective for this skin .

For saving skin from damages .It requires natural humidity . Artificial humidity is not provided to skin . It is only  large amount of water that fulfill needs of your skin .And their inner cell start working .


Dr Simon Zikae said : I have attend many patients whose one side skin is dry and damaged but other is normal.When i asked them about selfie . Answer is yes . Which conclude that selfie is dangerous for skin .Further researches are done to  clarify this topic . But it is clear that if your skin is getting old or wrinkled .It is because of clicking selfies .So it is highly recommended that you should avoid selfies .So that your skin is saved from damage and long lived  .


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