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Fast Food And Burger Can Cause Cancer Be Careful
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Fast Food And Burger Can Cause Cancer Be Careful

Fast Food And Burger Can Cause Cancer Be Careful

Fast Food And Burger Can Cause Cancer Be Careful . These foods are dangerous for your health . London news People who are  interested in eating burger and fast foods should be aware of the fact that it causes cancer. because of fast food blood cells are disturbed which increases risk of cancer .

Fast Food And Burger Can Cause Cancer Be Careful

Great Britain  Swansea university specialists discovers fresh fruits , vegetables and foods are full of antioxidants . On the other hand fast foods are deprived of it .less in oxidants can cause  blood cell disturbance . Junk food cause much destruction to blood cell . These blood cell take oxygen from lungs to different parts of body and  helps to eliminate carbon dioxide . According to specialists health of these blood cell is important for your body health.

Swansea  university scientist working on intestine and stomach cancer said that these  blood cell pointed towards bad food in your stomach. Because these cells are produced in bone marrow so bad food affect these cell.

In the body of healthy person from ten lakh cell 3 to 5 cells weak or destroy because of fast food . People who don’t eat fresh fruits and vegetable cell destruction is doubled . This is major cause of cancer and many other decreases in future so we will use fresh vegetables and fruits in more quantity as compared to  junk and fast foods and burgers .


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