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Powdered Peanut Butter Oats
Diet and Healthy Recepies

Powdered Peanut Butter Oats

Powdered Peanut Butter Oats

Powdered Peanut Butter Oats Recipe. This delicious recipe is good for diet conscious people who are always dieting during the year . It is delicious and also light hearted .

Powdered Peanut Butter Oats

 It contain peanut butter and oat which are very much healthy and light in weight and last but not least ingredient oat . Oat is specially for people who are diet conscious . Oat is also very  important for people with high blood pressure , cholesterol and diabetes . so try this recipe you will enjoy it .
Ingredients :
  • 1/2 cup oatmeal
  • 1 tbsp powdered peanut butter
  • 2 tbsp water
  • 1 cup milk
  • 1 tbsp brown sugar
  • Banana for decoration

Procedure :

Mix 1 tbsp of  powdered peanut butter with two table spoon of water .

combine Milk with oatmeal and peanut butter . Top with brown sugar and banana for taste and eat it

I hope you will enjoy this recipe very much .Try it at home and get benefits .

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