Rehabilitation Center
Rehabilitation Center- treatment center- rehab program. Rehabs, oftenly known as drug rehabs, rehabilitation or drug rehabilitation, is a medical process or psycho-therapeutic treatment for patients whom are addicted to drugs prescribed by any doctor, street drugs just like heroin, cocaine that are mostly considered illegal in many countries, psychoactive substances like alcohol (ethanol), amphetamines in which they are politely encouraged to left the dependence on such type of drugs. The dependence on these drugs causes serious consequences and problems for the patients, in order to resolve this problem these rehabilitation centers tried to convince the patients to stop depending on these substances, if they are intensely addicted to them.

People with drug addiction must have to face legal, financial, psychological, social and physical problems in their life. They have no respect in society, people hate them just because of their addiction to drugs. In these rehabilitation centers, the employers teach the patients, how to live or interact in a drug-free environment.The rehabilitation centers also trained them and ask them don’t associate with friends who still addicted to drugs. The addicts are encourages not only to stop using alcohol or other addicted drugs, but also to examine and change their habits that are related to addiction and make changes in their behavior by a programme called Twelve-step programme.
The twelve-step programme is based on a set of guiding principles proposed by Bill Wilson, a Vermont citizen, commonly known as “Bill W.” used in rehabilitation centers. In 1971, when he was died, his full name was added in obituaries. The “Time” newspaper, in 1999, listed him as “Bill W.: The Healer” in the list of The Most Important People of the Century. He set a programme that is based on recovery from compulsion, addiction and behavioral problems. This programme was first published in the year of 1939 in a book called Alcoholics Anonymous: The Story of How More Than One Hundred Men Have Recovered from Alcoholism. Bill Wilson especially proposed this for the recovery from alcoholism, called Alcoholic Anonymous (AA) which is now highly in work in rehabilitation centers.
There are also other programmes that provide help in drug rehabilitation. They may include residential treatment in-patient, out-patient, extended care centers, local support groups, addiction counselling, medical care, good behavior, recovery or sober houses and mental health. In some rehab centers there are different programmes depending on the age and gender of patients that is important for rehabilitation.
There are different methods and restriction about addiction recovery that very from person to person, for example there are two categories for addiction treatments in recovery center for cocaine addiction, Alcohol treatment and these are out patient rehab or in patient rehab (inpatient rehab). Basically these categories are different from each other. If patients are intensely addicted to Alcohol, Heroin, cocaine addiction then they are treated under the category of Inpatient rehab. The patients that are not intensely addicted to these drugs are treated under the category of out patient rehab. Inpatient rehab is basically a residential addiction treatment programs which is highly intensive to treat very serious addiction patients. But in out patient rehab it is said that out patient rehab program may be a part time rehab programs that allows the patients to continue their routine work, any job or school during rehab rehabilitation.
In inpatient rehab, the patients are restricted to live in rehab clinic and these rehabilitation centers give treatment facilities and addiction help that is included in rehab programs. Because in inpatient rehab, the patients condition is very critical due to high dose of drugs. The inpatient rehab patients needs a lot of care. But in out patient rehab the circumstances are not so critical so the patients don’t need much care and they aren’t restricted to live in any type of addiction treatment centers or recovery center. They only seek addiction help from rehab clinic and treatment facilities under the rehabilitation treatment programs from outpatient rehabilitation centers. All the treatment facilities will be given under treatment programs that is treatment for addiction in addiction centers or best rehab centers.
Rehabilitation services provide the guidance to drug addicted patients how to come back in normal life from a miserable life of drug addicts. The Rehabilitation services tried to fetch back the patients to daily routine life and give them courage to live a normal life or near normal life. The Rehabilitation services include the services of occupational therapy, cognitive therapy, physical therapy, mental health rehabilitation services or speech and language therapy.
The rehabilitation centers provide guidance to patients how to get rid of drug addiction problem. The problem which makes them unfit to live in the civilized society. The rehabilitation centers changes their behavior and give them opportunity to survive in society like common people. The rehabilitation centers make them normal and give a healthy life to their patients. The rehabilitation center provide everything that is necessary for them to survive. Though it is a complicated work and highly expensive but not more then a life of a human being. This is the main theme and aim of these Rehabilitation Center.