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A coat has been prepared to charge the smart tools including mobile
Information Technology

A coat has been prepared to charge the smart tools including mobile

A coat has been prepared to charge the smart tools including mobile

A coat has been prepared to charge the smart tools including mobile

This is not something new but every thing in this world of technology and science has its own importance. As it is an era of new inventions and people of different thoughts are inventing different things now a days. As different things are being made now a days under great care to make the world aware of the latest changing happening in this world of science and technology. We often use a charger to charge devices most likely our cell phones due top battery timings. Now this matter has been solved because some authorities after a struggle of long period has made a coat to solve this difficulty. This coat is very helpful to charge different things like our mobiles which we use very frequently.

A coat has been prepared to charge the smart tools including mobile

In Tokyo Japan a designer after making electricity from the solar energy has prepared a coat which on working charge the tablets and mobile phones. This feature of this coat helps the mobiles and then these mobiles never switched off any where. But as the things are coming very speedily in this era so their prices also an issue. As the precious is the thing as per the high value it got. The price of this coat is very high almost in range of Pakistan 25,000 Rs. On the back of the coat 4 and on the front two solar cells are installed. These cells after absorbing the heat and raises energy from the sun continue to charge the power pack in the coat. A designer has designed it which is expert of making different one and extra ordinary dresses. This coat has been given a name FW 16. A micro USB port is also present in the coat. After connecting to which mobile can be charged.

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