Why are Vitamin D necessary for your body
Why is Vitamin D necessary for your body. Firstly the question arises of how much amount of Vitamin D is needed for the healthy functioning of the body. Recent researches show that our body requires vitamin more than we thought. Normal blood serum range from 50 to 100 micrograms per deciliter so you may need some extra vitamin D quantity in your body. The amount of vitamin is measured in the IU unit and it is not the same for all vitamins but it depends upon the effect of a substance in your body. The IUs of vitamin D in children and teens is 600 IU and in adults, up to age before 70 is also 600 IU, and age after age 70 is 800 IU.

Some Surprising Benefits of Vitamin D
The most important benefit of Vitamin D is that it reduces depression. It plays an important role in regulating modes and beating off depression. Research shows that people having depression if they receive Vitamin D supplements show improvement in their symptoms. Research also shows that people suffering from depression mostly have Vitamin D deficiency in their bodies.
Vitamin D is also called Sunshine ” vitamin” because it is produced in the body when it is exposed to sunlight. You can also get Vitamin D from some foods and supplements. Vitamin D has some more important functions. It helps to regulate the absorption of calcium and phosphorus. It helps to improve the normal growth and development of teeth and assists your body against some major diseases. A deficiency of this vitamin causes some bone abnormalities; for example osteoporosis and osteomalacia.
It also helps against other diseases like multiple sclerosis, heart disease, flu, and much more. If you want to lose weight and also save your heart from serious diseases, you should add Vitamin D supplements to your diet. Extra calcium and vitamin D supplements have an appetite-reducing effect. Overweight people should reduce heart disease risk by taking Vitamin D supplements.
There are many factors that affect the intake of Vitamin D. If you are in an area of high pollution then your vitamin intake is less than normal. Use sunscreen and spend more time indoors or living in an area where big buildings block sunlight or a person having darker skin because skin having extra melanin absorbs less vitamin D. These factors contribute to deficiency of vitamin D.
To fulfill the deficiency of vitamin D in your body, the easiest way is to eat food that contains vitamin D naturally. These foods are fortified means having vitamin D insufficient amount naturally. These foods include salmon, sardines, egg yolks, shrimp, milk, cereals, yogurt, and orange juices.
Having these foods and exposure to sunlight does not mean that your deficiency of vitamin D is fulfilled. You should also take vitamin D supplements. These supplements also help to improve your health.
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