Real entertainment providers


A project is ready to produce electricity from kite

A project is ready to produce electricity from kite A project is ready to produce electricity from kite A project is ready to produce electricity from kite. To fly a kite is a dangerous play and it can take your…

A machine ready to convert moisture of air to the drinking clean water

A machine ready to convert moisture of air to the drinking clean water A machine ready to convert moisture of air to the drinking clean water A machine ready to convert moisture of air to the drinking clean water. Israel…

World first atmospheric friendly hydrogen train is ready to go

 World first atmospheric friendly hydrogen train is ready to go World first atmospheric friendly hydrogen train is ready to go World first atmospheric friendly hydrogen train is ready to go Germany have introduced it. This is very atmospheric friendly and…

A project ready to provide fast internet through electric wires

A project ready to provide fast internet through electric wires A project ready to provide fast internet through electric wires A project ready to provide fast internet through electric wires.AT and T labs have introduced a very strange project of…

A first refrigerator to bind with back of a person to cool the vaccine is ready

A first refrigerator to bind with back of a person to cool the vaccine is ready A first refrigerator to bind with back of a person to cool the vaccine is ready A first refrigerator to bind with back of…

Self driving tractor ready to work without a farmer

Self driving tractor ready to work without a farmer Self driving tractor ready to work without a farmer This tractor can not only sow seeds but also cut and sprinkle the crop medicinal spray. The company which made it has said…

A suit case ready to run like a car

A suit case ready to run like a car A suit case ready to run like a car A world first motor suit case prepared on which you can make your journey by boarding on it. A suit case ready to run…