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Pakistan stock market has left behind Indian and Chinese market

Pakistan stock market has left behind Indian and Chinese market

Pakistan stock market has left behind Indian and Chinese market

American famous business magazine Forbes by praising the performance of Pakistan stock market said due to reforms and stability in economy has give trust to the investors.Due to which Pakistan stock exchange has left behind Indian and Chinese stock market. According to a report an advancement of 500 points see in last five years in Pakistan Stock market but on the other hand India has 33 and China has 18 points advance in these 5 years.The Chinese Stock Market was going well but before a month or so the market starts to go down and luckily Pakistan Stock Market goes high .But India market has also goes down on this occasion.Where the markets of other countries are going down but on the other hand the Pakistan Stock market is going high.

Pakistan stock market has left behind Indian and Chinese market

An article published by the magazine Forbes declared that Pakistan Equity market has outperformed the Chinese and Indian markets in very recent years.

In this magazine the Global XMSCI MSCI +% Pakistan ETF was up 20%, beating the India’s and China’s ETF by almost two to one during the last twelve months, he says. Shedding the light on reasons as to why Pakistani market has beaten markets of India and China inspite of being hit by terror attacks, author Panos Mourdoukoutas contends “terrorist attacks don’t usually affect financial markets, unless they are disruptive to trade, which hasn’t been the case in Pakista. He further argues that “Pakistan’s stock market reform efforts have got a votes of confidence from overseas people like $1 billion in support from the World Bank – and a couple of domestic acquisitions from foreign suitors like the acquisition of Karachi’s K-Karachi by Shanghai Electric Power Co.” Panos Mourdoukoutas said heavy-handed policies of Chinese government have scared away the foreign investors, and in spite of staying on course with reforms execution has been a great problem for India.

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