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Chicken Chow Mein
Chinese Dishes

Chicken Chow Mein

Chicken Chow Mein

Chicken Chow Mein . A mouth watering  chinese recipe very  much loved tasty recipe . Chicken Chow  Mein is main chinese dish .The dish is popular throughout the Chinese diaspora and appears on the menus of Chinese restaurants. It is a stir-fried dish consisting of noodles , meat ,chicken , beef is most common and also onions and celery are used .

Chicken Chow Mein


  • Chicken boneless : 1/2 cutted
  • Oil  1/4 cup
  • Garlic  1 tbps
  • Green  onion  1 chopped
  • Boiled egg noodles  2 packets
  • Soya sauce 1 tbps
  • Black pepper 1/2 tps
  • Sugar 1 tps
  • Capsicum 1 cutted
  • White pepper 1 tsp
  • Salt 1/2 tps
  • Vinegar 3 tbps
  • Cauliflowers 2 flowers

Procedure :

Take a pan and put garlic in it and fry it slightly. Add salt white pepper black pepper vinegar and sugar in it and fry it till its water dry.Then add capsicum , cauliflowers, onion , soya sauce and mix it .Nd fry it more for two to three seconds .Add noodles in it and mix it put it in a serving dish and garnish and serve it

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