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Major twist and turns of Super Moon

Major twist and turns of Super Moon

Major twist and turns of Super Moon

Major twist and turns of Super Moon 

Super Moon is the name of the Moon not anything else. This word has still created different thoughts in people’s mind and people are still in doubt about this moon. People are still whispering about this either it is any thing real in it or all this is just a waste of time.Super Moon is not the technology but it is a reality but it can not or should not be connected to any disaster on earth. This theory is totally wrong. In its contradiction it is usually said and also a reality that a normal moon has a connection with the tides and waves of the seas and oceans in the universe.It has some side affects but not so worse. It was first sighted in 1948 in different areas of the universe. It was a theory underway from previous many years but no one is telling when this moon is coming to sight and when but from previous many days it was being predicted that this moon will be going to sight on 14th of November 2016.

Major twist and turns of Super Moon

Now the next Super Moon will be sight in 2034. The rumors were there of an expected Super Moon affects but what we can say on ancient type of minds which still believes in strange things. Some people thought of the earthquake has a relation with this Super Moon as it happened in the Island of Newzeland when yesterday earthquake was came on Rector scale measurement. As it is not good for the minds of people. These theories are still not believable. The Super Moon will brightens up at nearly 4:30 am in Pakistan. A major connection of this moon directly hits the mad center or troma center affected people. As a fluid in the unsettled minds type of people in these centers has a deep connection with this moon. This can be told by the nurses and the helping staff that how this moon affects these type of people. People are still enjoying this moon.But theories and many other things are still there. So, we have to wait and watch what happens in 2034. Now just wait and watch what people have to say what people have to do and what they think of all this theory. This story will be unfold in the near future by the science and technology to help it out and get rid of this strange theory.

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