Lower Cholesterol And Blood Pressure Fast
Lower Cholesterol And Blood Pressure Fast.Many people from us eat salads , vegetables and fruits . It keep them healthy and fit . Expert says these things are necessary . But most important is we use less sugar made things in life .
Less sugar saves us from many diseases in life. Without lowering calories and weight . we must lower our blood pressure and cholesterol by lowering sweet products.Only for 9 days use less sugar decrease blood pressure and cholesterol but also make your liver better .Sugar contain many calories . Medical researchers check that how sugar effect metabolic syndrome . Metabolic syndrome is a condition which causes heart diseases , paralyses and type 2 diabetes . It also includes high blood pressure and high blood glucose , fat around back and cholesterol.

Researchers contact university of San Francesco bane of children hospital . Take 43 children of 9 to 18 years for their research .These children belongs to America Latin and Africa . These children contain some symptoms of metabolic syndrome e.g blood pressure and high blood sugar level . They give all type of food to these children to eat except sugar products. In sugar they only eat fruits .If any child weight loss then they give him less sugar food. By lowering sugar in their food they get incredible result . These children health get better in short time . their cholesterol and blood sugar level decreases and liver also get better . The researchers of California and Toronto university said : During famish the glucose level lower to 5 points and insulin level lowers to 1/3 point .
The important writer of this report Dr . Robert Listage said this report concludes that sugar is bad for cholesterol and blood pressure . This report also conclude that sugar is main cause of metabolic syndrome . It not only increase calories and weight but also causes many diseases and have adverse effect on life .It causes diabetes , heart diseases and also liver diseases . So we use less sugar in our life to stay healthy .