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In Pak China trade mis declaration reaches to 6 million dollars
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In Pak China trade mis declaration reaches to 6 million dollars

In Pak China trade mis declaration reaches to 6 million dollars

In Pak China trade mis declaration reaches to 6 million dollars

In Pak China trade mis declaration reaches to 6 million dollars.The under invoicing and declaration between Pakistan and China trade reaches to record 5.46 million dollar.With this the total wealth of declaration reaches to 86 million dollar.Most of the declaration comes in electric electronic tools,machinery and atomic reactor and boilers and main mid filaments are being imported.On the other hand steel and iron and mid steel fiber filaments and vehicles tools import reach to high.The difference of 6 million dollar is present between the commodity trade of UNO report and Pak China custom resources.

In Pak China trade mis declaration reaches to 6 million dollars

The main thing is this that no country like America,India ,Israel, where there is so called democracy,wants that Pak China trade and they can’t also watch Pak China economic progress like this.And it is said that with so sadness that The organization which was made for justice is now working under the influence of these so called democratic countries.Or it is better to say that UNO has become their doors maid.Every decision that they make they will order the UNO and he obliges it at immediately.But why are we wasting time on this coming back to the topic.

According to china custom department china has made an import of 11 million dollars in their country during year 2015.While according to the reports of Pakistan custom departments Pakistan has imported 16.4 million dollars during year 2015.According to Pakistan custom departments Pakistan exports china 1.9 million dollars in year 2015.According to China custom department China exports Pakistan 2.4 million dollar in year 2015.So it will become more better in the next coming few years as the project of CPEC will go along in the coming future.This project is a game changer of the fate of the both countries .This project will open ways for Pak China progress.

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