Home Remedy For Teeth Whiten Your Teeth Naturally & Safely
Home Remedy For Teeth Whiten Your Teeth Naturally & Safely. Teeth are the most prominent feature on face . Healthy and naturally beautiful teeth increase beauty of your face . When you talk your teeth are exposed to the person whom you talk So it is necessary that your teeth should be clean presentable . Today everyone is interested in extra white teeth and want a ultra white smile too .In today’s post we discuss some homemade product to naturally whiten the teeth without any destruction to any part of teeth especially enamel .

Naturally whiten teeth safely at home
There are many methods to teeth whitening (bleaching). It is safe but have risk of conventional teeth whitening rather baking soda is much better option . We can use it on our teeth without any risk . You can also use clay with baking soda for massive affect on teeth and for extra whitening .
Another home made product for teeth whitening is to mix one teaspoon of mustard oil into quarter tea spoon of salt and rub on your teeth. You see an incredible result on your teeth .
Turmeric is the third and best option for teeth and healthy gums . Rub teeth with turmeric instead of a tooth brush filled with costly tooth paste . You can see result in some days . Your teeth are naturally whiten without any damage . It reduces inflammation and its fight against infection is also known.
So these are some home remedies which whiten your teeth naturally without any major damage to teeth and gums . For more information and home remedies visit my website moonlightforall.com You can also visit my Facebook page