Best way to clean kitchen counter gharelo totkay . kitchen is the most important part of our house . Housewife of house spend half of the day in kitchen . It is very necessary that the whole kitchen area should be neat and clean for proper and clean cooking . Kitchen counter is the point where all food is cooked .It is filled with lubricant and look greasy because most of the food is cooked in oil . So many of housewives are worried about their kitchen counter .In today’s post I tell you a home remedy to solve this problem . This is the most easy and home available remedy to clean your kitchen counter . It looks like a new counter . You need only two ingredients

Washing Powder

Mix these two ingredients and spread on the whole counter . Wait for five minutes and then spread hot water on this mixture and scrub it with a peace of cloth . Wash the counter with tape water. Kitchen counter looks like a new counter . It is most cheap way to clean your kitchen counter . For more home remedies and Gharelo totkay visit my website .