First Pizza provider machine introduced in America
First Pizza provider machine introduced in America. America has introduced a pizza providing machine.This machine will provide pizza on giving some dollars to it.This machine will help a lot to a delivery boys.Now you can take the pizza by giving some dollars to this ATM machine.This ATm machine has helped a lot to provide pizza to the customers.This is like a robot.This will work with a programme given to it.First it will make the pizza and then cut the pizza and pack it in the box.This takes 3 to 4 minutes to complete this process.This will give you hot pizza within 10 dollars.Now this machine is here to help us.This machines takes 70 peeza at one time.We have no worries to go to the resturant and took the pizza or to order it.

A china fruits sellers sells its watermelons in strange way
A chinese fruit seller sells his watermelon by writing on it by its nails in just 10 minutes.It is very strange that in only 10 minutes he will write well wishes,prayers and others thing on it which atrract the people and in no time his fruits sell away.This is an old man and he is living on this earning of Fruit selling.this is for the first time that someone like this old man sees this like this way.
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