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A BMW car converts into a transformer robot

A BMW car converts into a transformer robot

A BMW car converts into a transformer robot

A BMW car converts into a transformer robot

A BMW car converts into a transformer robot

A BMW car converts into a transformer robot.The Ankara scientist have done pratical experiment to convert BMW car into a transformer robot.It can’t fly,walk,run like a trnsformer but one thing that this machine do is to present there at its original position.After sighting this its seems that converting of cars into a robotic transformer is not just in happenes in films or it is fiction but you can yourself can experience of sighting of this process.This great act was done by a private company of Turkey.From a remote control you can change the shape of your car into a robotic transformer.But you have to pay a lot for this to company.The physiccal appearence of the robot is controlled by actuator.It can opens upto 120 degree.According to the company this robot can’t move itself.For its movement work is continue.According to the company for its preparations we have surfed hardwork of 8 months or so day and night with full devotion.12 engineers and 4 technicians have prepared in the head office of the company of Ankara Turkey.This can be controlled by the 10 channel remote control.This great project has been given a name”Anti Moon”

Two faces strange creature steered born in America

Two faces strange creature steered born in America

Two faces strange creature steered born in America

In state of America ina city of Canticy ina farm two faces strange creature steered born due to genetic changes.It has become the centre of sight for every one.In state of America ina city of Canticy ina farm two faces strange creature steered born due to genetic changes.After his birth the owner of the cow felt that cow has given birth to two steereds but as time passed a strange thing came to the sight.The steered that born was of two faces instead of two steereds.It was so strange for the owner to accept.This steered has a fcae nose and four eyes.Because it has two faces connect with each other due to which it can’t walk for a while and falls down.Accoding to specialist doctors these kinds of births doesnot survive for a longer period but this is first time this happens.The steered is healthy and eating food according to the requirement.On the other hand the owners 6 years daughter has given this steered her favourite name”Lucky”

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