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Faces same with different scenario

Faces same with different scenario

Faces same with different scenario .There is late but not darkness near GOD.Ever nation have almost passews away from this situation or its better to say that they  faced this scenario by passing times.

A time comes in the history of the nation when they strictly and powerfully struck to a stance or they have some aim for their peace and prosperity,and following their aim they  want to give themselves a chance to change things around for better and prosperous future.

For the last 65 years Pakistan is facing same kind of scenario,where a corrupt group has continue to take the economy on their least point to make the country bankrupt on the orders of some powers which have time to time tried their best to destroy this islamic state but every time they achieve defeat.

But like the old time 2014 dharna which was unfortunately became unsuccessful due to the security issues and black day in the history of Pakistan 16 december 2014.

This time the faces are same but scenario is totally different,Last time only two parties go for it,and possibly there is hint of support of establishment.but now none says it that there is any support behind it.This time purely the people of Pakistan in which department of justices under which all lawyers come,25 parties are going to make life difficult for the so called  democratic government.

These processions and dharnas are lead in the following of Tahir-ul-Qadri and Imran on a very larger scale.The people included have make their fault fixed so that no disruption came their way in the movement and struggle for the peace and progress of the country and also in getting rid of this corrupt group which are not more but thousands in no,s.

One law makers are humans but one Law maker is GOd who runs the universe.One thing is very clear the rope of atrocious will not extend for a long time and lie of a lier will not hidden for a long time both have the same result not in Doom’s days but in this universe.

As per our Prophet (PBUH) has said:

“Truth gives relief and lie makes destruction”

This is the best opposition Nawaz sharif like the earlier time try to calm things down by making the prices leveled as per he done earlier before the starting of dharna.But this time seeing political card of PM they understand that whats the matter and they contradict his order.

Nawaz Sharif is gaining time to make his government period complete by different techniques but this time opposition has made its mind to not to give free space to him to run away with the show..Last time people like javaid hashmi and others try to disrupt the movements by playing on both sides of the pitch.

This kind  of people always  attached with the main leadership and try to take cheap benefits by blackmailing them and on crucial times gives damage to the party and the cause of the country.This is not the story of Imran khan,it will happen with many others and in fact it is the past history of Pakistan.We have not to  involved in this discussion come to the point.

If someone is wrong on the other hand some people are sincere towards the cause of the party.The biggest fault of the leadership that they can’t hear to any do their work.During last dharna some people says that last time Imran Khan invited the indian actors in the function of Hospital Shoukat Khanum which has decreased his fame and importance.They said that leadership have not see these matters but to look forward to the greater issues like one in present days is (CPEC) and other is Kashmir freedom movement.And sometime by making things good by a small truth for the sake of the country and party will become their sin and will be punished but as they think that they are working for a greater cause they will not take as a punishment or the fault.But leadership at that time could not consider that they are compelling the leadership for the well-being if the country.

Now this time there become a stunt silence in the political sittings what is going to be happen in next few days nobody can comment it.It is very unususal situation.aminister of government said that Nawaz Sharif has himseld opened more than three political wars around him he further said all the cabinet are not understandind what they have to do.So, this is the position of the government.

now what the opposition thinking this is the biggest question in the present political scenario.They are saying that they are going for a kill.They have asked the people to agitate on the roads.If not this time than never be again.This is a chance to get rid of this so called itar and dishonest sluggish corrupt and in capable government and take country to the way of progress and prosperity.

On the other hand the third startegic partner is Establishmentand fourth one the strongest pillar is media.Now many uncomplete projects are going under their observation(CPEC) and Karachi Operation.After seeing this scenario and upcoming dharna processions or aggeatation of people against the government what will they think,what will thier strategy,and what should they have to do in this sensitive sitaution.Intersting situation anybody can’t say anything about all this going on in the country.But one thing is very clear like crystal that if this kind of silence creates in the atmosphere then we and others should understand before tiime that something going to be happen very serious in this scenario.

One thing that forgotten to be written that is there any outside powers involved in it,and trying to make things more difficult for the country.Understanding all this scenario we should look for the next time most likely the 6th and 7th August 2016.There is late but no darkness near GOD.

Every nation have almost passes away from this situation or it is better to say that they have faced this situation.

A time comes in the history of the nation when they strictly and powerfully struck to a stance or they have some aim for their peace and prosperity,and following their aim they gives themselves a chance to change things around for better and prosperous future.

For the last 65 years Pakistan is facing same kind of scenario,where a corrupt group has continue to take the economy on their least point to make the country bankrupt on the orders of some powers which have time to time tried their best to destroy this islamic state but every time they achieve defeat.

As per our Prophet (PBUH) has said:

“Truth gives relief and lie makes destruction”

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