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Drinks And Shakes

Cold Coffee Recipe

Cold Coffee Recipe

Cold Coffee Recipe . Hum yummy cold cofee who don’t want this delicious drink everyone want  this drink .This  recipe is flavoured with  ice cream  which make it more yummy and creamy .

Cold coffee recipe

Ingredients : 

Coffee ; 4 tablespoon

Water : used to mix coffee

Milk :1/2 liter

Ice cream : 4 scoops (vanilla)

Sugar :as per required

Ice : 8 to 9 ( cubes)

Procedure :

firstly mix 2 tablespoon warm water with coffee .Then blend it in blender .After that mix milk sugar into this paste and blend it . Then take a beautiful long glass and put ice cream in it and pour the blended syrup on it . Your delicious cold coffee is ready . Garnish and serve it


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