Hajj Hadees
Hajj Hadees Hajj Hadees. Hajj is a sacred order of ALLAH that every muslim must be fulfill. ALLAH says in Quran 5/97: “ALLAH ne adab walay ghar kabba ko logon ke qiam ka bais kia or hurmat walay mahine or…
11 September Quaid-e-Azam Quotes
11 September Quaid-e-Azam Quotes 11 September Quaid-e-Azam Quotes. Quaid e azam said “Pakistan not only means freedom and independence but the Muslim Ideology which has to be preserved, which has come to us as a precious gift and tresure and…
Amant Ke Amin
Amant Ke Amin Amant Ke Amin. Hazrat Umar bin Abdul Aziz was the eight caliph of Umayyad Family. He ruled from 717 to 720 only for 2.5 years. He was the grand son of islamic second caliph Hazrat Umar bin…
Defence Day Poetry
Defence Day Poetry Defence Day Poetry. Every one knows the history of 6 September 1965 the day of war between India and Pakistan. The war was started by India and they attack on Pakistan without any information. They attack on…
Masjid e Nabvi world Beautiful Mosque
Masjid e Nabvi world Beautiful Mosque Masjid e Nabvi world Beautiful Mosque. The Masjid e Nabvi is the first mosque built by the last prophet of ALLAH, Mohammad (Peace be upon him). This mosque was originally built by prophet Mohammad…
Defence Day Poetry Wallpapers
Defence Day Poetry Wallpapers Defence Day Poetry Wallpapers. The Defence day is the national day of Pakistan. India attacks the Pakistan border on 6 September on Lahore border. It also attacks on Sialkot border. Pakistan won the war and India got…
Birthday Facebook Status
Birthday Facebook Status Birthday Facebook Status. someone says about birthday that it is a very nice felling that you celebrate your birthday with your friends and family. Birthday is the day at which someone celebrates the time and day of his appearance…
Naat Sharif Wallpapers
Naat Sharif Wallpapers Naat Sharif Wallpapers. Naat is the best way to show our intense love for ALLAH loving and beloved Prophet Muhammad Peace Be Upon Him. The Prophet Muhammad PBUH is the Person who is the great blessing of…
Beautiful English Quotes About Love
Beautiful English Quotes About Love Beautiful English Quotes About Love. Love is the best part of life. It’s a beautiful feeling. Those people who love someone very well knows about the feeling of love. Love is the feeling which is present…