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Chicken Shashlik Chinese Recepie
Chinese Dishes

Chicken Shashlik Chinese Recepie

Chicken Shashlik Chinese Recepie

Chicken Shashlik  Chinese Recepie . Shashilk means” skewered meat” . It is mde with all type of meat  Chicken , meat, beef . Chicken shashilk is very much tasty chicken chinese recepie . This recepie is served with rice and sometime with chapati . In todays post i will tell you recepie of  tasty  chicken shashilk .Try it yourself at home you will enjoy it .

Chicken Shashlik Chinese Recepie


Boneless chicken : 1kg

Salt : as per choice

Sugar : 2 tps

Soya sauce : 2 tbps

Tomato: 4 piece (medium sized)

Onion : 3

Red pepper : 1/2 tbps

Black pepper : 2tps

Vinegar : 2 tbps

Ginger garlic paste :2 tbps

Capasicum : 3 pieces

Kooking oil : 3 tbps

Procedure :

First wash chicken pieces with water and soaked them into  a mixture of salt , red pepper , black pepper ,ginger garlic paste , vinegar and  soya sauce for three hours .

After three hours when is the time to ready shashilk take the vegetables and cut them. It is cut in a way that it it easily fit on shashilk stick .

Take a stick first add chicken piece then capsicum piece , onion and tomato . Your shashilk stick is ready . you can heat them on coal pieces or on a gas stove .When it is completly cooked add cooking oil with the help of brush . Put them in a beautiful dish and serve them .

For Sauce 

Take tomato paste little soya sauce , red pepper salt and cooking oil and cooked it and pour it on shashilk  . Your chicken shashilk is ready to serve


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