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5 Easy Ways of Earning Online At Home
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5 Easy Ways of Earning Online At Home

5 Easy Ways of Earning Online At Home

5 Easy Ways of Earning Online At Home .There are thousand of ways of earning money online on web and lot of people are trying their best to get benefits from them .Some time it works but sometime not . Because all ways of earning money online are not working some websites are scam and some ways are not working . But real ways of earning money online is not so much easy that everyone can do it . There are some rules and difficulties to do these jobs and earn money online . Don’t worry this article is for those people who are searching for better jobs and really want to earn money online .I give you 5 easy ways to earn online and make handsome amount at home according to your skills and knowledge. These ways of earning online are beneficial for students for housewife for younger older all age people who don’t want that their leisure time is wasted . There are many legitimate and authentic ways to earn money online but it is not get rich quick style it takes time and dedication.

5 Easy Ways of Earning Online At Home

I give you all possible ways of earning money online . If you want job online you doesn’t need much hours to get paid little things are required with dedication .I give you some tips to get these jobs and paid at home with little effort . First of all take it seriously you are applying for an online job it is not an easy task .You are not only candidate for this job . Competition online is higher than it is in your local area .Second step is be professional .When submit your CV type it correctly write complete sentences with proper grammar . Check it again before sending because you are making your view in front of them. Thirdly when you submit your writing sample or some photography sample or any link to your work give them only to get idea of your work not so many that they are confused .Give them history but not lifetime story . It destroys your impression. Double check all data you have type grammar mistakes and spell check is not acceptable . So double check all your information before submitting your document . Apply for job only if you are interested in this job and have knowledge about it. I hope these tips will help you to get job easily.

Freelance Writers

Freelance is the most popular online jobs online . Many freelancers get 50 cents to 1 dollar per words .In beginning it is not like that you have to work hard to get this position .If you are interested in writing you should first submit your CV to them in a way i told you earlier .This job only needs your time and dedication and you get your desired result in form of money . Before applying for freelance job you have web presence in form of some blogger or article etc.. or you have a linkedin profile at least here you starts there are many freelance companies that are ready to give you job .


iWriter pay you 15$ dollars of a single post that they accept .This company pay is very less but there rules are not strict as other companies  what  you write they accept and you can write few articles they don’t mind .


Toptenz pay you 50$ dollars per post which they accept . Your article should be in list format and have maximum  of 1500 words at least .In this freelancer your chance of getting job is fairly high.


FundforWriter pay you 50$ for each post that they accept .They accept articles of only 500 to 600 words . They are searching for articles about writing and making money from it .

No doubt making money on writing skills and  working as a freelancer is true but it is a process as your writing skills are better . you achieved your goals and making some serious money .

Second Idea 

There are millions of websites that pay you for different work you have done for them and you make a fair amount from these little works . .You have to do little work  like taking surveys , shopping sending mails test product and promoting their  stuff .The only thing we consider is that we have to check that the company we are working for is not scam. I tell you name of some authentic websites that are not scam . Fiverr , Inboxdollar , projectpayday and many more…….These websites pay you approximately 5$ to 10$ per survey and shopping and sending mails and promote their stuff .So it is useful for you to work with them . You can send your art or your own creation on these sites and get paid like if you are a graphic designer  you earn a handsome amount on website like fiverr.

Third Idea

There  are million of online shopping center on web and selling your stuff on them is the best and easy way to earn  online and get your desired money . You can also make your online store and successfully run it . But there are some rule you should follow before doing this . First to do any type of online business you should have a paypal or payza account so that you can receive and send amount anywhere . Secondly take a good picture of your product to show it on web . For this purpose you should use a good camera and best background so that your product is clearly seen and sold easily . The thing that matter the most is your honesty in this business because a customer should have trust on you then he make a positive view about you and your product .  Making a small online store or selling your product is not an easy job you have to build trust  first your customer service matters. You have to make a positive name in the market and also respond to questions and complaint . If possible give guarantee of your product so that customer should trust  your product . I give you list of online shopping center where you sell your product easily . Amazon  , Ebay , facebook and many more…. These are are most trusted online selling center you should trust them otherwise make a small online shopping center .

Fourth idea 

Making money online is incomplete  without blogging . This is the best way to make money online and earn a good profit . But things that are important for doing blogging is patience discipline and determination . Blogging based on the visitors that visit your blog .You should  write everyday and wait for a year  to get money from your blog . It takes one to years to establish once you reached that particular point then it is the time of hip hip hurray here are the ways to monetise your blog and start earning .


It is the  most popular and old way of earning money . You can sell advertising products directly on your site by signing up with the company like Google adsense , and infolink ……… By putting their ads you can earn money .

Affiliate Marketing 

Affiliate marketing is another way of earning money . There are many affiliate companies that pay you for promoting their own stuff and other stuff by pasting a link or a banner in your blog and give you money for promotion .


You can also sell your product on your blog and also do promotion of your product like any software or an E – book. You can attract visitors by displaying these products and get benefits.You can also do paid services like coaching blog coaching and planning and achieving of goals

Some other ways are by making YouTube videos of you own and earn money .Many people are making money by creating YouTube videos .Many blogger make their own videos and running a successful video blog . As a  newbie you can start blogging from blogger that is introduced by google and is the best way to learn and earn money from blogger .

Fifth idea

Last but not least is by making money at home there are companies that hire you for some work at home and pay you .If you are interested in working for someone make a schedule and start working for them to earn money .These companies are Demand studios, Fast chart , Speakwrite, liveops and many more .I hope these ideas will help you to earn money online at home .


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