Sad Poetry
Sad poetry. Some people think that love is a fantasy , sadness and separation is reality, they thought love is a dream. we provide you the best sad poetry wallpapers according to your choice we provide it and you love it. The best poetry wallpapers for free downloading, best sad Poetry wallpapers for sharing through Facebook, Twitter and other social media. you can send these best sad Poetry wallpapers to your friends and family. These are the beautiful and lovely best sad poetry wallpapers in picture format. These poetry are very much according to the pictures.

Sumunder ki wusaton ka ik khamosh bayan
sahil pe bathay sakhs ki ankhain kr rahin
“the words that often makes you hurt in life and you can’t speak them inspite of your utmost desire But one tear tells the whole story behind this silence”sadness is very beautiful feeling some people often try to live in loneliness. you can also share these Sad Poetry wallpaper on Facebook twitter and on other social medias. Here you can get the new and unique Sad Poetry wallpaper in the form of sad poetry wallpaper new 2016. These are all for the viewers of
udasion ka mosam hai meray dill ki basti main
kooi to phool bahar ka khilay dil ki basti main
“there is a time for every work in the Universe, chances come so, you have to look for a proper time to click your luck”Here we provide you the best poetry wallpaper HD Poetry wallpaperand if you download then we give you beautiful Poetry wallpaper free can also share these poetry wallpaper on facebook twitter and on other social medias. Here you can get the new and unique Poetry wallpaper in the form of poetry wallpaper new 2016.for mor visit