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How to create a blog in wordpress step by step

How to create a blog in wordpress step by step

How to create a blog in wordpress step by step .Today i will tell you about How to create a blog in wordpress step by step .In previous tip I will tell you about how to install wordpress from cpanel now iI tell you about insalling theme and working on it and make a beautiful blog in wordpress .for example you are making a blog for some birthday wishes you should already have some knowledge of photoshop or some designing software so that you create wishes of your own so by making unique design you get more attention on the search engines.

Firstly we have to choose a unique theme that perfectly match to our domain name like

So choose a theme

How to create a blog in wordpress step by step

After choosing a theme our main focus is on plugins that are used in making our blog .according to me the plugin i used in my blog or necessary plugin are

  • All in one Seo
  • Contact form 7
  • Anti spam

The first errow shows that you visit your site and check a preview of your under contruction site . Second errow shows the plugin area from where we get necessary plugins


so install these plugins from dashboard bar:

  • Go to plugin
  • In the search box Write th plugin name and enter plugin appears on the screen .click on the plugin you have two options details and install If you want to study the function then click details otherwise  click on install. after few seconds plugin is installed .you see it in the installed plugins from where thier settings are changed and make them useable .See the screen shot below.4

So today we learn how to install plugins .In next tip we study how to customarize our theme settings and use them according to our way so stay tuned and for more tips visit


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