Real entertainment providers

Year: 2016

Sending one message to different people in whatsapp

Sending one message to different people in whatsapp Sending one message to different people in whatsapp . Hello everyone in today computer tips and tricks I will tell you something different as the tittle shows that this tip is about whatsapp…

Beautiful Love Poetry

Beautiful Love Poetry Beautiful Love Poetry. It is said about love that the way of love is not easy it contains a lot of problems and hindrances but love doesn’t care what are the problems because nothing is impossible in the dictionary of love in spite of this everything…

Now electricity will be produce from footsteps by advance technology

Now electricity will be produce from footsteps by advance technology Now electricity will be produce from footsteps by advance technology Now electricity can be produce from the pedestrian in America and other countries and this electricity can lightens up the…

Major twist and turns of Super Moon

Major twist and turns of Super Moon Major twist and turns of Super Moon  Super Moon is the name of the Moon not anything else. This word has still created different thoughts in people’s mind and people are still in…

Chicken Corn Soup Recipe

Chicken Corn Soup Recipe Chicken Corn Soup Recipe. Chicken corn soup is most popular and most widely used soup in the world . It is the most favourite soup of most of the people in winter season . It has…

Interesting Facts About Human Body

Interesting Facts About Human Body Interesting Facts About Human Body. Human body is best and beautiful creature of God and it is very complicated . It contain hundred of thousand of cells which join to form tissues that form organs…

Business of the world remained up and down after Trump win in elections

Business of the world remained up and down after Trump win in elections Business of the world remained up and down after Trump win in elections After the win of Trump in the historical election 2016 of America has changed…

A hyper loop name train more faster than plane in Dubai introduced

A hyper loop name train more faster than plane in Dubai introduced A hyper loop name train more faster than plane in Dubai introduced Now a days world is going after the fastest technology related to the means of conveyance.They…

A USB stick has been invented to recognize HIV within 30 minutes

A USB stick has been invented to recognize HIV within 30 minutes A USB stick has been invented to recognize HIV within 30 minutes The British scientists have invented a USB stick like tool which recognize HIV within 30 minutes….