6 September Facebook Statuses
6 September Facebook Statuses. The Defence day is the national day of Pakistan. India attacks the Pakistan border on 6 September on Lahore border. It also attacks on Sialkot border. Pakistan won the war and India got the message that they were always be in loss if they attack on Pakistan. Pakistan won this war by the interruption of the United Nation in the form of ceasefire. The story behind this day is that the war was started by India and they attack on Pakistan without any information. As a result of the second war on the issue of Kashmir, India started this war against Pakistan. This war last for 17 Days and Pakistan receives good reputation world wide and India was blamed for all this mischief. Pakistan showed its Defence power to world and also became the seventh Nuclear power in 1998. Pakistani army save Pakistan from the enemies and the people of Pakistan helped their troops with heart. The Government of Pakistan announces the 6 September a national day known as “The Defence Day of Pakistan”. In Pakistan people celebrate this day by flag hoisting, parade, Military exhibitions, award ceremonies, singing Patriotic song, military Programmes and speeches.

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qasaam uthao… watan ki mati ny jaan mangi to jan do ge
soo jao azezo ke fasilon pe har ik simat
ham log abhi zinda o bedar khare hain
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