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Foods For Fast Weight Loss
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Foods For Fast Weight Loss

Foods For Fast Weight Loss

Foods For Fast Weight Loss . Increasing fat in your body is the main reason of obesity . Problem of obesity is sometimes due to unbalanced eating lifestyle . Habits of eating too much and fatty foods having fast food and soft drinks less walk and less sleep or sleep deprivation cause fat in body . How to keep our body away from obesity I give you best foods for  Fast Weight Loss .  Try to use this foods in daily routine for quick weight loss . Obesity is a cause of many serious diseases  like blood pressure , sugar and serious heart diseases . To avoid obesity we should change our life style and use these food in daily routine to overcome obesity and  Fast Weight Loss . These are best foods for extreme weight loss . 

Foods For Fast Weight Loss

Foods For Quick Weight Loss

Natural Lemon Juice :

Natural Lemon Juice is helpful in digestion of food and play an important role in increasing performance of detoxification of acids . To loss weight proper digestion of food is required . Natural Lemon Juice contain all ingredients that helps in proper digestion . Natural Lemon Juice is helpful in burning extra fats of body . Natural Lemon Juice also remove toxin from body and maintain metabolism of body . Take a hot glass of water add  3 tbsp of lemon juice 1 tbsp of honey and 1 tbsp of  black pepper powder and mix it . Use this juice early in the morning admiring mouth . Use this juice fro 3 month. You can also use 1 tbsp of lemon juice in Luke warm  water for Quick Weight Loss .

Apple Vinegar  :

Apple vinegar unfiltered is also a good choice for Weight loss problem . It helps to remove extra fats from body and save body from obesity . Use two tbsp of apple vinegar in water  and drink it in morning by admiring mouth . You can also use 1 tbsp of vinegar in 1 glass water along with 1 tbsp of lemon in it . Don’t use apple vinegar more than two tbsp because it decrease potassium level in your body.

Aloe vera :

Aloe vera  increase energy in body by increasing metabolism and also remove toxin in digestion process . Peel  2 aloe vera leaves and take off its jell . Take one cup orange or grapefruit juice and mix the jell of aloe vera in it and blend it . Use one glass daily for one month .

Green Tea:

Green tea is a natural fat cutter . It contain vitamin C , zinc , selenium and many other minerals . Drink 3 to 4 cups of tea in a day is best choice for loosing extra weight . You can also add  ginger in it . Some other green tea benefits are also describe in link GREEN TEA BENEFITS


To  loose weight  use papaya daily . Papaya is very good food or obese people . It is also used for gas problems and digestion of food . With all these food also drink approximate 8 glass of water for removing toxin from body .



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