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Beauty tips

Beauty tips for hands


BEAUTY TIPS FOR HANDS . Hand are the prominent & important part of human body . People are making efforts for increasing the beauty & freshness of their face in the same way they have to take care of their hands also . It is seen that many womens only pay attention to thier face but neglect thier hands .Due to which thier hands beauty and freshness is lost and hands look dry and rough.So it is necessary to take care of thier hand either in summer season or winter season .

Beauty Tips for Hands

Here are some points that increase beauty and freshness of your hands .

  • Rub oil on your hands slowly and then clean with a towel . Soak your hands in a bowl containing oil mixed water .Use sunflower or olive oil .Oil not only  increases the glow of your hands but give you relief from tiredness
  • Take hydrogen peroxide 3 tablespoon , Ammonia 1 tablespoon mix them and take a cotton piece and rub the mixture on your fingers and hand.After 2 to 3 minutes wash your hands with water
  • If your hands are spoiled and by showing them you feel inferiarity complex.So by little care your hands look beautiful .
  • With hands your nails should be neat and clean .While cutting your nails use clean base coat when it dry Put natural pink color nail paint on the nails.
  • Before  sleep apply any type of cream on your hands . cream or lotion increase the softness of your hands .


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